TCS .net interview Questions, part-2
1)Code for updating the database by entering the data into textboxes in
aspx form?
2)How do you handle errors in stored procedures?
3)How did you implemented classes in your project?
4)How did you implemented interfaces in your project?
5)How did you call javascript from c#?
6)Differences between 1.1 and 2.0 versions of .net?
7)Caching types?
8)Session state modes?
9)what is the connection between IIS and client browser?
How do they communicate?
10)which session statemode u used in your current project?why?
11)How did you handle exceptions in sql server?
12)Two methos with same name in parent and inherited classes. If you create
an objct of child which method will be invoked?
13)Garbage colllector how it works in Background?
For other dot net interview Questions
Sqlqueires best practices
TCS Dotnet interview Questions Part1
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Sunday, December 12, 2010
TCS dot net interview Questions
TCS Dot net interview Questions, 3+ years of experince , Hyderabad ,part-1
1) How do u implement windows authentication, explain me each and every step in point of web.config and iis.
2) what is impersonization.
3) what is HTTP Handlers
4) What is http Modules
5) can we have our own extension of .net page i.e. for example
6) what is Delay signing
7) what is Application pooling
8) Difference between finalize and dispose
9) Expalin Generics
10) Explain difference between Arraylist and Hashtable.
11) what is probing
12) what is multi targetting framework
13) what is difference between usercontrol and custom control
14) what is the difference between master page and user control.
15) how can we use old dll and new dll in our application
16) given some values and asked me to sort it in ascending order with out
using Array list methods like sort.
17) what is dataset and typed dataset.
18) what are the necessary steps u will take care to increase the performance of ur web application.
19) hOW do u find out errors in sql stored procedures.
20) how do u work with sqljobs.
21) Consider a scenario there are 2 systems in lan, one is ur local host and other is mine how do u access my database and tables.
22) do u know SSIS,SSRs.
23) what is dictionary and what is list and the differences between them
Hi Friends Please share your interview questions with me
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For Other Dotnet Interview Questions
Accenture Dot net interview Questions
Dell Dot net interview Questions
Value labs Dotnet interview Questions
Infotech enterprises Dotnet interview Questions
1) How do u implement windows authentication, explain me each and every step in point of web.config and iis.
2) what is impersonization.
3) what is HTTP Handlers
4) What is http Modules
5) can we have our own extension of .net page i.e. for example
6) what is Delay signing
7) what is Application pooling
8) Difference between finalize and dispose
9) Expalin Generics
10) Explain difference between Arraylist and Hashtable.
11) what is probing
12) what is multi targetting framework
13) what is difference between usercontrol and custom control
14) what is the difference between master page and user control.
15) how can we use old dll and new dll in our application
16) given some values and asked me to sort it in ascending order with out
using Array list methods like sort.
17) what is dataset and typed dataset.
18) what are the necessary steps u will take care to increase the performance of ur web application.
19) hOW do u find out errors in sql stored procedures.
20) how do u work with sqljobs.
21) Consider a scenario there are 2 systems in lan, one is ur local host and other is mine how do u access my database and tables.
22) do u know SSIS,SSRs.
23) what is dictionary and what is list and the differences between them
Hi Friends Please share your interview questions with me
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For Other Dotnet Interview Questions
Accenture Dot net interview Questions
Dell Dot net interview Questions
Value labs Dotnet interview Questions
Infotech enterprises Dotnet interview Questions
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Sql Queries For Best Practices
Sql quires for Interview preparation and for best practices
Answers for the Sql queries
1. SQL > Select * from employee;
2. SQL > Select * from department;
3. SQL > Select * from job;
4. SQL > Select * from loc;
5. SQL > Select first_name, last_name, salary, commission from employee;
6. SQL > Select employee_id “id of the employee”, last_name “name", department id as “department id” from employee;
7. SQL > Select last_name, salary*12 “annual salary” from employee
8. SQL > Select * from employee where last_name=’SMITH’;
9. SQL > Select * from employee where department_id=20
10. SQL > Select * from employee where salary between 3000 and 4500
11. SQL > Select * from employee where department_id in (20,30)
12. SQL > Select last_name, salary, commission, department_id from employee where department_id not in (10,30)
13. SQL > Select * from employee where last_name like ‘S%’
14. SQL > Select * from employee where last_name like ‘S%H’
15. SQL > Select * from employee where last_name like ‘S___’
16. SQL > Select * from employee where department_id=10 and salary>3500
17. SQL > Select * from employee where commission is Null
18. SQL > Select employee_id, last_name from employee order by employee_id
19. SQL > Select employee_id, last_name, salary from employee order by salary desc
20. SQL > Select employee_id, last_name, salary from employee order by last_name, salary desc
21. SQL > Select employee_id, last_name, salary from employee order by last_name, department_id desc
22. SQL > Select department_id, count(*), from employee group by department_id
23. SQL > Select department_id, count(*), max(salary), min(salary), avg(salary) from employee group by department_id
24. SQL > Select job_id, count(*), max(salary), min(salary), avg(salary) from employee group by job_id
25. SQL > Select to_char(hire_date,’month’)month, count(*) from employee group by to_char(hire_date,’month’) order by month
26. SQL > Select to_char(hire_date,’yyyy’) Year, to_char(hire_date,’mon’) Month, count(*) “No. of employees” from employee group by to_char(hire_date,’yyyy’), to_char(hire_date,’mon’)
27. SQL > Select department_id, count(*) from employee group by department_id having count(*)>=4
28. SQL > Select to_char(hire_date,’mon’) month, count(*) from employee group by to_char(hire_date,’mon’) having to_char(hire_date,’mon’)=’jan’
29. SQL > Select to_char(hire_date,’mon’) month, count(*) from employee group by to_char(hire_date,’mon’) having to_char(hire_date,’mon’) in (‘jan’,’sep’)
30. SQL > Select to_char(hire_date,’yyyy’) Year, count(*) from employee group by to_char(hire_date,’yyyy’) having to_char(hire_date,’yyyy’)=1985
31. SQL > Select to_char(hire_date,’yyyy’)Year, to_char(hire_date,’mon’) Month, count(*) “No. of employees” from employee where to_char(hire_date,’yyyy’)=1985 group by to_char(hire_date,’yyyy’),to_char(hire_date,’mon’)
32. SQL > Select to_char(hire_date,’yyyy’)Year, to_char(hire_date,’mon’) Month, count(*) “No. of employees” from employee where to_char(hire_date,’yyyy’)=1985 and to_char(hire_date,’mon’)=’mar’ group by to_char(hire_date,’yyyy’),to_char(hire_date,’mon’)
33. SQL > Select department_id, count(*) “No. of employees” from employee where to_char(hire_date,’yyyy’)=1985 and to_char(hire_date,’mon’)=’apr’ group by to_char(hire_date,’yyyy’), to_char(hire_date,’mon’), department_id having count(*)>=3
34. SQL > Select * from employee where salary=(select max(salary) from employee)
35. SQL > Select * from employee where department_id IN (select department_id from department where name=’SALES’)
36. SQL > Select * from employee where job_id in (select job_id from job where function=’CLERK’
37. SQL > Select * from employee where department_id=(select department_id from department where location_id=(select location_id from location where regional_group=’New York’))
38. SQL > Select * from employee where department_id=(select department_id from department where name=’SALES’ group by department_id)
39. SQL > Update employee set salary=salary*10/100 wehre job_id=(select job_id from job where function=’CLERK’)
40. SQL > delete from employee where department_id=(select department_id from department where name=’ACCOUNTING’)
41. SQL > Select * from employee where salary=(select max(salary) from employee where salary <(select max(salary) from employee))
42. SQL > Select distinct e.salary from employee where & no-1=(select count(distinct salary) from employee where sal>e.salary)
43. SQL > Select * from employee where salary > all (Select salary from employee where department_id=30)
44. SQL > Select * from employee where salary > any (Select salary from employee where department_id=30)
45. SQL > Select employee_id, last_name, department_id from employee e where not exists (select department_id from department d where d.department_id=e.department_id)
46. SQL > Select name from department d where not exists (select last_name from employee e where d.department_id=e.department_id)
47. SQL > Select employee_id, last_name, salary, department_id from employee e where salary > (select avg(salary) from employee where department_id=e.department_id)
48. SQL > Select employee_id, last_name, name from employee e, department d where e.department_id=d.department_id
49. SQL > Select employee_id, last_name, function from employee e, job j where e.job_id=j.job_id
50. SQL > Select employee_id, last_name, name, regional_group from employee e, department d, location l where e.department_id=d.department_id and d.location_id=l.location_id
51. SQL > Select name, count(*) from employee e, department d where d.department_id=e.department_id group by name
52. SQL > Select name, count(*) from employee e, department d where d.department_id=e.department_id group by name having name=’SALES’
53. SQL > Select name, count(*) from employee e, department d where d.department_id=e.department_id group by name having count (*)>=5 order by name
54. SQL > Select function, count(*) from employee e, job j where j.job_id=e.job_id group by function
55. SQL > Select regional_group, count(*) from employee e, department d, location l where e.department_id=d.department_id and d.location_id=l.location_id and regional_group=’NEW YORK’ group by regional_group
56. SQL > Select employee_id, last_name, grade_id from employee e, salary_grade s where salary between lower_bound and upper_bound order by last_name
57. SQL > Select grade_id, count(*) from employee e, salary_grade s where salary between lower_bound and upper_bound group by grade_id order by grade_id desc
58. SQL > Select grade_id, count(*) from employee e, salary_grade s where salary between lower_bound and upper_bound and lower_bound>=2000 and lower_bound<=5000 group by grade_id order by grade_id desc
59. SQL > Select e.last_name emp_name, m.last_name, mgr_name from employee e, employee m where e.manager_id=m.employee_id
60. SQL > Select e.last_name emp_name, e.salary emp_salary, m.last_name, mgr_name, m.salary mgr_salary from employee e, employee m where e.manager_id=m.employee_id and m.salary
61. SQL > Select m.manager_id, count(*) from employee e, employee m where e.employee_id=m.manager_id group by m.manager_id
62. SQL > Select last_name, d.department_id, from employee e, department d where e.department_id(+)=d.department_id
63. SQL > Select last_name, d.department_id, from employee e, department d where e.department_id(+)=d.department_id and d.department_idin (select department_id from department where name IN (‘SALES’,’OPERATIONS’))
64. SQL > Select function from job where job_id in (Select job_id from employee where department_id=(select department_id from department where name=’SALES’)) union Select function from job where job_id in (Select job_id from employee where department_id=(select department_id from department where name=’ACCOUNTING’))
65. SQL > Select function from job where job_id in (Select job_id from employee where department_id=(select department_id from department where name=’SALES’)) union all Select function from job where job_id in (Select job_id from employee where department_id=(select department_id from department where name=’ACCOUNTING’))
66. SQL > Select function from job where job_id in (Select job_id from employee where department_id=(select department_id from department where name=’RESEARCH’)) intersect Select function from job where job_id in (Select job_id from employee where department_id=(select department_id from department where name=’ACCOUNTING’)) order by function
Answers for the Sql queries
1. SQL > Select * from employee;
2. SQL > Select * from department;
3. SQL > Select * from job;
4. SQL > Select * from loc;
5. SQL > Select first_name, last_name, salary, commission from employee;
6. SQL > Select employee_id “id of the employee”, last_name “name", department id as “department id” from employee;
7. SQL > Select last_name, salary*12 “annual salary” from employee
8. SQL > Select * from employee where last_name=’SMITH’;
9. SQL > Select * from employee where department_id=20
10. SQL > Select * from employee where salary between 3000 and 4500
11. SQL > Select * from employee where department_id in (20,30)
12. SQL > Select last_name, salary, commission, department_id from employee where department_id not in (10,30)
13. SQL > Select * from employee where last_name like ‘S%’
14. SQL > Select * from employee where last_name like ‘S%H’
15. SQL > Select * from employee where last_name like ‘S___’
16. SQL > Select * from employee where department_id=10 and salary>3500
17. SQL > Select * from employee where commission is Null
18. SQL > Select employee_id, last_name from employee order by employee_id
19. SQL > Select employee_id, last_name, salary from employee order by salary desc
20. SQL > Select employee_id, last_name, salary from employee order by last_name, salary desc
21. SQL > Select employee_id, last_name, salary from employee order by last_name, department_id desc
22. SQL > Select department_id, count(*), from employee group by department_id
23. SQL > Select department_id, count(*), max(salary), min(salary), avg(salary) from employee group by department_id
24. SQL > Select job_id, count(*), max(salary), min(salary), avg(salary) from employee group by job_id
25. SQL > Select to_char(hire_date,’month’)month, count(*) from employee group by to_char(hire_date,’month’) order by month
26. SQL > Select to_char(hire_date,’yyyy’) Year, to_char(hire_date,’mon’) Month, count(*) “No. of employees” from employee group by to_char(hire_date,’yyyy’), to_char(hire_date,’mon’)
27. SQL > Select department_id, count(*) from employee group by department_id having count(*)>=4
28. SQL > Select to_char(hire_date,’mon’) month, count(*) from employee group by to_char(hire_date,’mon’) having to_char(hire_date,’mon’)=’jan’
29. SQL > Select to_char(hire_date,’mon’) month, count(*) from employee group by to_char(hire_date,’mon’) having to_char(hire_date,’mon’) in (‘jan’,’sep’)
30. SQL > Select to_char(hire_date,’yyyy’) Year, count(*) from employee group by to_char(hire_date,’yyyy’) having to_char(hire_date,’yyyy’)=1985
31. SQL > Select to_char(hire_date,’yyyy’)Year, to_char(hire_date,’mon’) Month, count(*) “No. of employees” from employee where to_char(hire_date,’yyyy’)=1985 group by to_char(hire_date,’yyyy’),to_char(hire_date,’mon’)
32. SQL > Select to_char(hire_date,’yyyy’)Year, to_char(hire_date,’mon’) Month, count(*) “No. of employees” from employee where to_char(hire_date,’yyyy’)=1985 and to_char(hire_date,’mon’)=’mar’ group by to_char(hire_date,’yyyy’),to_char(hire_date,’mon’)
33. SQL > Select department_id, count(*) “No. of employees” from employee where to_char(hire_date,’yyyy’)=1985 and to_char(hire_date,’mon’)=’apr’ group by to_char(hire_date,’yyyy’), to_char(hire_date,’mon’), department_id having count(*)>=3
34. SQL > Select * from employee where salary=(select max(salary) from employee)
35. SQL > Select * from employee where department_id IN (select department_id from department where name=’SALES’)
36. SQL > Select * from employee where job_id in (select job_id from job where function=’CLERK’
37. SQL > Select * from employee where department_id=(select department_id from department where location_id=(select location_id from location where regional_group=’New York’))
38. SQL > Select * from employee where department_id=(select department_id from department where name=’SALES’ group by department_id)
39. SQL > Update employee set salary=salary*10/100 wehre job_id=(select job_id from job where function=’CLERK’)
40. SQL > delete from employee where department_id=(select department_id from department where name=’ACCOUNTING’)
41. SQL > Select * from employee where salary=(select max(salary) from employee where salary <(select max(salary) from employee))
42. SQL > Select distinct e.salary from employee where & no-1=(select count(distinct salary) from employee where sal>e.salary)
43. SQL > Select * from employee where salary > all (Select salary from employee where department_id=30)
44. SQL > Select * from employee where salary > any (Select salary from employee where department_id=30)
45. SQL > Select employee_id, last_name, department_id from employee e where not exists (select department_id from department d where d.department_id=e.department_id)
46. SQL > Select name from department d where not exists (select last_name from employee e where d.department_id=e.department_id)
47. SQL > Select employee_id, last_name, salary, department_id from employee e where salary > (select avg(salary) from employee where department_id=e.department_id)
48. SQL > Select employee_id, last_name, name from employee e, department d where e.department_id=d.department_id
49. SQL > Select employee_id, last_name, function from employee e, job j where e.job_id=j.job_id
50. SQL > Select employee_id, last_name, name, regional_group from employee e, department d, location l where e.department_id=d.department_id and d.location_id=l.location_id
51. SQL > Select name, count(*) from employee e, department d where d.department_id=e.department_id group by name
52. SQL > Select name, count(*) from employee e, department d where d.department_id=e.department_id group by name having name=’SALES’
53. SQL > Select name, count(*) from employee e, department d where d.department_id=e.department_id group by name having count (*)>=5 order by name
54. SQL > Select function, count(*) from employee e, job j where j.job_id=e.job_id group by function
55. SQL > Select regional_group, count(*) from employee e, department d, location l where e.department_id=d.department_id and d.location_id=l.location_id and regional_group=’NEW YORK’ group by regional_group
56. SQL > Select employee_id, last_name, grade_id from employee e, salary_grade s where salary between lower_bound and upper_bound order by last_name
57. SQL > Select grade_id, count(*) from employee e, salary_grade s where salary between lower_bound and upper_bound group by grade_id order by grade_id desc
58. SQL > Select grade_id, count(*) from employee e, salary_grade s where salary between lower_bound and upper_bound and lower_bound>=2000 and lower_bound<=5000 group by grade_id order by grade_id desc
59. SQL > Select e.last_name emp_name, m.last_name, mgr_name from employee e, employee m where e.manager_id=m.employee_id
60. SQL > Select e.last_name emp_name, e.salary emp_salary, m.last_name, mgr_name, m.salary mgr_salary from employee e, employee m where e.manager_id=m.employee_id and m.salary
61. SQL > Select m.manager_id, count(*) from employee e, employee m where e.employee_id=m.manager_id group by m.manager_id
62. SQL > Select last_name, d.department_id, from employee e, department d where e.department_id(+)=d.department_id
63. SQL > Select last_name, d.department_id, from employee e, department d where e.department_id(+)=d.department_id and d.department_idin (select department_id from department where name IN (‘SALES’,’OPERATIONS’))
64. SQL > Select function from job where job_id in (Select job_id from employee where department_id=(select department_id from department where name=’SALES’)) union Select function from job where job_id in (Select job_id from employee where department_id=(select department_id from department where name=’ACCOUNTING’))
65. SQL > Select function from job where job_id in (Select job_id from employee where department_id=(select department_id from department where name=’SALES’)) union all Select function from job where job_id in (Select job_id from employee where department_id=(select department_id from department where name=’ACCOUNTING’))
66. SQL > Select function from job where job_id in (Select job_id from employee where department_id=(select department_id from department where name=’RESEARCH’)) intersect Select function from job where job_id in (Select job_id from employee where department_id=(select department_id from department where name=’ACCOUNTING’)) order by function
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Sample Sql Queries For Practices
Sample Sql Queries for best practices
Create the following Tables:
Table1 :Location
Table2 :Department
Table 3: Job
Table 4: Employee
Simple Queries:
1. List all the employee details
2. List all the department details
3. List all job details
4. List all the locations
5. List out first name,last name,salary, commission for all employees
6. List out employee_id,last name,department id for all employees and rename employee id as “ID of the employee”, last name as “Name of the employee”, department id as “department ID”
7. List out the employees anuual salary with their names only.
For Answers :
Where Conditions:
8. List the details about “SMITH”
9. List out the employees who are working in department 20
10. List out the employees who are earning salary between 3000 and 4500
11. List out the employees who are working in department 10 or 20
12. Find out the employees who are not working in department 10 or 30
13. List out the employees whose name starts with “S”
14. List out the employees whose name start with “S” and end with “H”
15. List out the employees whose name length is 4 and start with “S”
16. List out the employees who are working in department 10 and draw the salaries more than 3500
17. list out the employees who are not receiving commission.
For Answers :
Order By Clause:
18. List out the employee id, last name in ascending order based on the employee id.
19. List out the employee id, name in descending order based on salary column
20. list out the employee details according to their last_name in ascending order and salaries in descending order
21. list out the employee details according to their last_name in ascending order and then on department_id in descending order.
For Answers :
Group By & Having Clause:
22. How many employees who are working in different departments wise in the organization
23. List out the department wise maximum salary, minimum salary, average salary of the employees
24. List out the job wise maximum salary, minimum salary, average salaries of the employees.
25. List out the no.of employees joined in every month in ascending order.
26. List out the no.of employees for each month and year, in the ascending order based on the year, month.
27. List out the department id having atleast four employees.
28. How many employees in January month.
29. How many employees who are joined in January or September month.
30. How many employees who are joined in 1985.
31. How many employees joined each month in 1985.
32. How many employees who are joined in March 1985.
33. Which is the department id, having greater than or equal to 3 employees joined in April 1985.
For Answers :
34. Display the employee who got the maximum salary.
35. Display the employees who are working in Sales department
36. Display the employees who are working as “Clerk”.
37. Display the employees who are working in “New York”
38. Find out no.of employees working in “Sales” department.
39. Update the employees salaries, who are working as Clerk on the basis of 10%.
40. Delete the employees who are working in accounting department.
41. Display the second highest salary drawing employee details.
42. Display the Nth highest salary drawing employee details.
For Answers :
Sub-Query operators: (ALL,ANY,SOME,EXISTS)
43. List out the employees who earn more than every employee in department 30.
44. List out the employees who earn more than the lowest salary in department 30.
45. Find out whose department has not employees.
46. Find out which department does not have any employees.
For Answers :
Co-Related Sub Queries:
47.Find out the employees who earn greater than the average salary for their department.
Simple join
48.List our employees with their department names
49.Display employees with their designations (jobs)
50.Display the employees with their department name and regional groups.
51.How many employees who are working in different departments and display with department name.
52.How many employees who are working in sales department.
53.Which is the department having greater than or equal to 5 employees and display the department names in ascending order.
54.How many jobs in the organization with designations.
55.How many employees working in “New York”.
For Answers :
Non – Equi Join:
56.Display employee details with salary grades.
57.List out the no. of employees on grade wise.
58.Display the employ salary grades and no. of employees between 2000 to 5000 range of salary.
Self Join:
59.Display the employee details with their manager names.
60.Display the employee details who earn more than their managers salaries.
61.Show the no. of employees working under every manager.
Outer Join:
61.Display employee details with all departments.
62.Display all employees in sales or operation departments.
Set Operators:
63.List out the distinct jobs in Sales and Accounting Departments.
64.List out the ALL jobs in Sales and Accounting Departments.
65.List out the common jobs in Research and Accounting Departments in ascending order.
Create the following Tables:
Table1 :Location
Table2 :Department
Table 3: Job
Table 4: Employee
Simple Queries:
1. List all the employee details
2. List all the department details
3. List all job details
4. List all the locations
5. List out first name,last name,salary, commission for all employees
6. List out employee_id,last name,department id for all employees and rename employee id as “ID of the employee”, last name as “Name of the employee”, department id as “department ID”
7. List out the employees anuual salary with their names only.
For Answers :
Where Conditions:
8. List the details about “SMITH”
9. List out the employees who are working in department 20
10. List out the employees who are earning salary between 3000 and 4500
11. List out the employees who are working in department 10 or 20
12. Find out the employees who are not working in department 10 or 30
13. List out the employees whose name starts with “S”
14. List out the employees whose name start with “S” and end with “H”
15. List out the employees whose name length is 4 and start with “S”
16. List out the employees who are working in department 10 and draw the salaries more than 3500
17. list out the employees who are not receiving commission.
For Answers :
Order By Clause:
18. List out the employee id, last name in ascending order based on the employee id.
19. List out the employee id, name in descending order based on salary column
20. list out the employee details according to their last_name in ascending order and salaries in descending order
21. list out the employee details according to their last_name in ascending order and then on department_id in descending order.
For Answers :
Group By & Having Clause:
22. How many employees who are working in different departments wise in the organization
23. List out the department wise maximum salary, minimum salary, average salary of the employees
24. List out the job wise maximum salary, minimum salary, average salaries of the employees.
25. List out the no.of employees joined in every month in ascending order.
26. List out the no.of employees for each month and year, in the ascending order based on the year, month.
27. List out the department id having atleast four employees.
28. How many employees in January month.
29. How many employees who are joined in January or September month.
30. How many employees who are joined in 1985.
31. How many employees joined each month in 1985.
32. How many employees who are joined in March 1985.
33. Which is the department id, having greater than or equal to 3 employees joined in April 1985.
For Answers :
34. Display the employee who got the maximum salary.
35. Display the employees who are working in Sales department
36. Display the employees who are working as “Clerk”.
37. Display the employees who are working in “New York”
38. Find out no.of employees working in “Sales” department.
39. Update the employees salaries, who are working as Clerk on the basis of 10%.
40. Delete the employees who are working in accounting department.
41. Display the second highest salary drawing employee details.
42. Display the Nth highest salary drawing employee details.
For Answers :
Sub-Query operators: (ALL,ANY,SOME,EXISTS)
43. List out the employees who earn more than every employee in department 30.
44. List out the employees who earn more than the lowest salary in department 30.
45. Find out whose department has not employees.
46. Find out which department does not have any employees.
For Answers :
Co-Related Sub Queries:
47.Find out the employees who earn greater than the average salary for their department.
Simple join
48.List our employees with their department names
49.Display employees with their designations (jobs)
50.Display the employees with their department name and regional groups.
51.How many employees who are working in different departments and display with department name.
52.How many employees who are working in sales department.
53.Which is the department having greater than or equal to 5 employees and display the department names in ascending order.
54.How many jobs in the organization with designations.
55.How many employees working in “New York”.
For Answers :
Non – Equi Join:
56.Display employee details with salary grades.
57.List out the no. of employees on grade wise.
58.Display the employ salary grades and no. of employees between 2000 to 5000 range of salary.
Self Join:
59.Display the employee details with their manager names.
60.Display the employee details who earn more than their managers salaries.
61.Show the no. of employees working under every manager.
Outer Join:
61.Display employee details with all departments.
62.Display all employees in sales or operation departments.
Set Operators:
63.List out the distinct jobs in Sales and Accounting Departments.
64.List out the ALL jobs in Sales and Accounting Departments.
65.List out the common jobs in Research and Accounting Departments in ascending order.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Value labs Dotnet Interview Questions
Dotnet interview with ValueLabs,Hitechcity,Hyderabad, for 2-4 years exp.
It was a written test with 10 questions and time is 90 mins.
here are the questions:
1.How can we force Garbagecollector to run?
2.How many authentication modes are there?what is the default mode?
3.Windows API calls in .net?
4.ExpressionLambdas and their syntax?
5. What is section in webconfig?
6.What is the use of static constructor?Can we have multiple Static Constructors?
7.What is the extension of LINQ file that interacts with code behind objects?
8.How to insert multiple rows from Gridview to Database table under a single transaction?
9.Retrieve distinct values from L and order values based on username using LINQ.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Dell Dotnet Interview Questions
Dell Dot net Interview Questions for 2+ years of Experience
1. Explain about your project briefly?
2. Explain briefly about Exception handling? How did you handle the exceptions in your project?
3. Use of finally block and Throw keyword?
4. What are the various Client Side State management Concepts?
5. Difference between Session and View State
6. Difference b/w authentication and authorization.
7. What is Application Domain?
8. What is Http handler?
9. Authentication modes?
10. Difference between Abstract class and sealed class?
11. What are access modifiers?
12. What are Partial Classes?
13) Do you have any awareness on Linq, wcf?
14) Is it possible to update the table in functions?
15) Difference between Stored procedure and function, stored procedure and query?
16) Product table
Product_Id Product_Name Category_Id
1000 Samsung 100
1001 Oneida 100
1002 Sony 100
1003 Nokia 101
1004 LG GX500 101
Category table:
Category_Id Category_Name
100 TV
101 Mobile
102 Laptops
Write the query for in order to show the O/p
Category_Name Product_Name
100 Samsung, Onida, Sony
101 Nokia,LGgx500
Vidya Sri Thanks a lot for sharing your interview experience with dell, hope these are helpful those who are looking for a job
Please send your Interview Experinces on Dot net and Share point to my mail id:
1. Explain about your project briefly?
2. Explain briefly about Exception handling? How did you handle the exceptions in your project?
3. Use of finally block and Throw keyword?
4. What are the various Client Side State management Concepts?
5. Difference between Session and View State
6. Difference b/w authentication and authorization.
7. What is Application Domain?
8. What is Http handler?
9. Authentication modes?
10. Difference between Abstract class and sealed class?
11. What are access modifiers?
12. What are Partial Classes?
13) Do you have any awareness on Linq, wcf?
14) Is it possible to update the table in functions?
15) Difference between Stored procedure and function, stored procedure and query?
16) Product table
Product_Id Product_Name Category_Id
1000 Samsung 100
1001 Oneida 100
1002 Sony 100
1003 Nokia 101
1004 LG GX500 101
Category table:
Category_Id Category_Name
100 TV
101 Mobile
102 Laptops
Write the query for in order to show the O/p
Category_Name Product_Name
100 Samsung, Onida, Sony
101 Nokia,LGgx500
Vidya Sri Thanks a lot for sharing your interview experience with dell, hope these are helpful those who are looking for a job
Please send your Interview Experinces on Dot net and Share point to my mail id:
Friday, October 1, 2010
Mind Tree Dotnet Interview Question
Mind tree Dot net interview Questions, Bangalore, Sept 1, 2010
1) I have the string in format of Rs.2, 50,000. Now I want to read the string value as 250000 and insert into database (let assume that Rs 2,50,000 coming from third party like web services, wcf services, or from other application ) can u write the code to remove the commas.
2) Can a stored procedure call another stored procedure?
3) Difference between function and stored procedure?
4) How can you know the number of rows affected by last SQL statement?
5) What is the use of COMMIT TRANS?
6) What are cursors?
7) Types of indexes?
8) What is the purpose of UPDATE STATISTICS?
9) Can u write the code for , I have the date time columns in data base which it stores in the format of date time 01/09/2010 10:02:56 now I want to display the date as 1- sept-2010 ?
10) How do you find the duplicate rows in the table?
11) What is a typed dataset?
12) What are collection classes?
Array list, dictnory…,
Can u tell me the use of dictionary data type?
13) What are generics?
14) What is the use of Partial Classes
15) What is the use of Enum data type?
Side question: it is reference type r value type?
15) For ex I have
Public enum
Sunday =1;
I need to fill this into dropdown list?
16) How the security is implemented in your project?
I told like, by implementing the 3-tier architecture, using forms authentication, encrypting the password, query strings.
Interviewer how you encrypt the password, I mean which approach u choose, or client specified particular process. .. Can u tell me how many methods you know to encrypt
17)I have string value like “This is Subhash” now I want to spilt the word at white spaces and collect the words into array list?
18) I have a webpage with some text boxes and one button with name refresh, when I click the button all the textboxes should get refresh, how can u achieve this?
In button event we can write the textbox1.text=”” or text.clear();
Side question if I have 25 control in my webform then for 25 controls you will write text. text=”” ------ so on.
How much u can rate Ur self in out of 5---
19) Does a form authentication is work when cookies are turn off at browser side? H’w can u achieves the forms authentication?
20) Difference between forms authentication and windows authentication?
Side why windows authentication is more secured when compare to forms authentication
21) Can u write the query for to retrieve all records which are modified in last 10 days?
Thanks Varun for sending ur valuable interview questions, hope these are very helpful to my blog readers ...
Please the Send Your Dotnet and Sharepoint Interview Experinces to my maild:
Previous Dotnet Interview Questions
HCL Dotnet Interview Questions
Infosys Dotnet Interview
Satyam Mahindra Dotnet Interview Questions
Mphasis Dotnet Interview
Prokarma Dotnet Interview Questions
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Infotech-enterprises Dotnet Interview Questions
InfoTech Enterprises Dotnet interview Questions, Aug28 2010, Hyderabad
1. What are the principals of oops?
2. What is an abstract class?
3. Purpose of abstract class?
4. Can static classes be abstract?
5. What is a session obj?
6. Avd and dis of stored procedures?
7. Diff btwn sp and functions w.r.t to database and c#?
8. Masterpagefile attribute?
9. Can sp be nested?
10. Can sp include two tables?
11. What is a view state and in which context does u use it?
12. Diff b/w interfaces and abstract classes?
13. What happens between request and response?
14. “Select * from tab”, sql function to search f in that query?
Search “f” in the string……
15. What is a package?
16. What is a trigger?
17. Types of triggers?
18. Tell me about ur project and modules involved?
Project Manager Round:
Interviewer: Can u tell me abt Ur project, what are the module u involved, did u face any typical task in Ur project,How you get the requirement from your boss?
If u fall behind the schedule then how u over come
Do have any experience on gps, or showing the Google maps in your project?
This is For 2+ years of Experience, one of my Friend Sucheta Reddy has shared these Interview Questions, Iam Very thankful to her, for this great job.
Please Send Your Dotnet and Share point Interview Experiences to mail id:
For Wipro Dotnet Interview Questions Click here
Prokarma Dotnet Interview Questions Clickhere
Accenture Dotnet Interview Questions Clickhere
Deloitte Dotnet Interview Questions Clickhere
1. What are the principals of oops?
2. What is an abstract class?
3. Purpose of abstract class?
4. Can static classes be abstract?
5. What is a session obj?
6. Avd and dis of stored procedures?
7. Diff btwn sp and functions w.r.t to database and c#?
8. Masterpagefile attribute?
9. Can sp be nested?
10. Can sp include two tables?
11. What is a view state and in which context does u use it?
12. Diff b/w interfaces and abstract classes?
13. What happens between request and response?
14. “Select * from tab”, sql function to search f in that query?
Search “f” in the string……
15. What is a package?
16. What is a trigger?
17. Types of triggers?
18. Tell me about ur project and modules involved?
Project Manager Round:
Interviewer: Can u tell me abt Ur project, what are the module u involved, did u face any typical task in Ur project,How you get the requirement from your boss?
If u fall behind the schedule then how u over come
Do have any experience on gps, or showing the Google maps in your project?
This is For 2+ years of Experience, one of my Friend Sucheta Reddy has shared these Interview Questions, Iam Very thankful to her, for this great job.
Please Send Your Dotnet and Share point Interview Experiences to mail id:
For Wipro Dotnet Interview Questions Click here
Prokarma Dotnet Interview Questions Clickhere
Accenture Dotnet Interview Questions Clickhere
Deloitte Dotnet Interview Questions Clickhere
Friday, August 20, 2010
Wipro Dotnet Interview Questions
Wipro Dotnet Interview Questions
1. Can u tell me how iis server process the page request?
2. What are the http handlers?
3. Page life cycle events
4. When can we override the Page_Init() ? (i.e. any example in which scenarios )
5. What is u r current project ….. ? Which type of architecuture is Implemented ?
6. Did u ever face any critical task in u r Project, if so , how did you face the task.
7. Difference between data table and data view?
8. Can we filter the data directly to dataset (with out using Linq)
9. What are the advantages of using the LINQ Expressions?
10. Is it possible to query groupby without Using LINQ
11. Can u write the groupby expression for data table by using Linq.
12. Can u write the code for ex : I have the dropdown list cites with names, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Chennai and other , when I select the option other textbox should be enabled with out post back using JavaScript ?
13. Difference between Jquery and JavaScript?
14. What do you mean by replication?
15. Can u write the query I have a table with some duplicate rows, I want to know the rows which are duplicate.
16. Difference between Stored Procedure and Function?
17. Difference between Cluster Index and NonCluster Index? Can u explain how Performance improves
18. What is meant by Self Join?
19. What is a value type and reference type?
Is string is a Value type or reference type
20. String and String builder differences What are Sealed Classes
21. What are Sealed Classes?
22. Advantages of using the Partial Classes
Wipro Dotnet Interview Question for 2+ years experince , Hyderabad ,July 2010.
Please Share Your Interview Experinces
1. Can u tell me how iis server process the page request?
2. What are the http handlers?
3. Page life cycle events
4. When can we override the Page_Init() ? (i.e. any example in which scenarios )
5. What is u r current project ….. ? Which type of architecuture is Implemented ?
6. Did u ever face any critical task in u r Project, if so , how did you face the task.
7. Difference between data table and data view?
8. Can we filter the data directly to dataset (with out using Linq)
9. What are the advantages of using the LINQ Expressions?
10. Is it possible to query groupby without Using LINQ
11. Can u write the groupby expression for data table by using Linq.
12. Can u write the code for ex : I have the dropdown list cites with names, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Chennai and other , when I select the option other textbox should be enabled with out post back using JavaScript ?
13. Difference between Jquery and JavaScript?
14. What do you mean by replication?
15. Can u write the query I have a table with some duplicate rows, I want to know the rows which are duplicate.
16. Difference between Stored Procedure and Function?
17. Difference between Cluster Index and NonCluster Index? Can u explain how Performance improves
18. What is meant by Self Join?
19. What is a value type and reference type?
Is string is a Value type or reference type
20. String and String builder differences What are Sealed Classes
21. What are Sealed Classes?
22. Advantages of using the Partial Classes
Wipro Dotnet Interview Question for 2+ years experince , Hyderabad ,July 2010.
Please Share Your Interview Experinces
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Prokaram Dotnet Interview Questions
Prokarma Dotnet Interivew Questions,Hyderabad
1) 1) Tell me abt ur project .. ? Roles and Responsibilities
2) 2) What is meant by 3-tier architecture ?
3) 3) What is use of 3-tier architecture ? Difference between 3-tier architecture and 3layerd architeture
4) 4) What does business logic layer and dataacess layer cantains ?
5) 5) Take simple form in ur project , explain how data is acess ( what r the methods u called for inserting the values, passing the parameters from one tier to another)?
6) 6) Difference between Abstract classes and interface ?
7) 7) Does the abstract classes cantinas the implementation for methods ?
) 8)Can we create the object for abstract classes ? is it necessary to implement all the methods of abstract classes in derived class ?
9) 9) Can I implement multiple number of interfaces in a single class ?
10) What is meant by Partial Class ?
11 11) Difference between 2.0 and 3.5 ?
1 12) What are the new base class methods in .net 3.5 ?
1 13) What is meant by Object Instance Intialization in .net 3.5 ?
1 14) How can u handle the trouble shooting in ur project ? what is the use of N-unit ?
Did u use linq in ur project .. ?
15) “var” data type ? and tell me the extension methods ?
6) 16) Can we write the code for I have List and I have the table employee with employ id, employee name ,I fill the table in datasetset ,by using “ForEach” loop collect result row collection for list ?
Did u use Ajax in ur project ..
17) What is meant by Ajax ? use of Ajax ?
1 18) Can I have a Multiple Update panel in a webpage ?
1 19) In which Scenario we use in conditional mode in Update panel ?
2 20) What is the use of Script Manger and Proxy Script Manger ?
What are Ajax tools u used in ur project ?
21 21) Is it possible to invoke the modalpopup from code behind ?
2 22) What happens when page is refresh On Modalpopup ?
2 23) Page life cycle events ?
24) When the page is postback by an event handlers (like dropdownselectedindex, tnclickevent) When this event is executed before pageload or after pageload ?
5) 25) What is the “Auto Event Fired” What happened when it is true,false ?
2 26) What is the use of View State, if it is turned off what happened ?
2 27) Inprocess and out process Session memory ?
8 28) In Which Scenario we can use Outprocess session ?
2 29) Difference between Application variables and session variables , where we maintain application state ?
3 30) In forms Authantication , cookie, true or false represents ?
31 31) Difference between the cookies and sessions ?
3 32) Types of cache ? varyby param ? timeslide expiration ?
3 33) How can we set the time out of for datacaching ?
3 34) My storedprocedure returns 3 resultsset , does the datareader can handle ?
3 35) Difference between dataset and datareader ? which is light weighted ?
3 36) Where does the caching the data located ?
3 37) What is meant by Nullable type ?
3 38) Did use Jquey,Json ?
Pl Please share Your Interview Questions with me
My Mailid :
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Accenture Dotnet Interview Questions
Accenture Dotnet Interview Question , Bangalore April,2010, Shyam Kumar gone through Accenture
Explain ur current project ... role and responsibiltes
1. What are the interested areas that u worked in ur current project
2. Explain ASP.Net page LifeCycle.
3. What are the New features .net 3.5 ?
4. What is an interface
5. What are the Oops Concepts that are used in ur project..
6. What is abstract classes in which scenario u choose abstract clases over an interface.. ?
7. What is the use Static classes.. ?
8. How do u implement Encapusaltion in dotnet.. ?
9. Difference between gridview and datagrid.. /
10. If you enable the EnableViewState and disable all the controls What it happens.
11. How can we install dll explicitly in .Net.
12. Solve this
Int a=5;
String str ;
Str = a; // We have to convert the int into string.
Will the program gets executed or else whats the error u rgetting how can u clear it.
- Does Object is Value type or reference type.
- What is stack and Queue.Examples of these.
13. Use of garbage collector ?
14. CTS .. ?
15. Can we use insert statement into the cursor or we had only direct insert statement.
16. What is meant by View state
17. Is it possible to view the data in view state..
18. Diiference between Storedprocedure and function .. ?
19. Can we write.. an update statement in function ?
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Hcl Dot net written test part 4
Hcl Dotnet Written Test Part 4 ,Hyderabad May2nd 2010
1) sql query for replicate existing structure as new table without data
2) what is statemanagement?
3)what is CTS?
4)Difference between is and as operators?
5) array=1,1,2,2,2,3,4,4,23,23,45,45,50
o/p -->
Please send ur Interview Experinces to my Mail Id :
Hcl Dot net written test part 3
Hcl DotNet Written test ,Hyderabad
1) Remove spaces in a string
string str = " This is a subhash ";
2) steps for delegates creation and using
3)What is Private Constructor and Uses of Private Constructor
4) Diff b/w DLL and Exe
5) what is web.config,machine.config and app.config
6)sql query
Emp-->Empid,Ename,... City--->Empid,CityName
Display the employees, where employee Living in more than one city
Please send Your Interview Questions to mail id :
HCL Written Test Questions Part 1: Click Here
HCL Written Test Questions Part 2: Click Here
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Dot Interview Questions Cmm level 3 company
Top Mncs Dotnet Interview Questions
One of my friend RavindraBabu send these Interview Question s , Cmm level3 company in Bangalore On 2+ years of experience , April 10th 2010
1) Tell me About Your Project , Roles and Responsibiltes, Can u briefly gave the diagramtic representation abt ur project , just outline of ur project
2) U mentioned creating dbobjects in ur resume,
How can u create the tables for this scenario( how many table s required ) for eg take realestate business, one user may have multiple no .of flats , when I gave the user name as i/p I want to get the all the flat names which are assigned to that user..?
3) Simalry to the above task , one leacturer teaches multiple no.of subjects and one subject can teach by multiple no.of lectures h’w can u create the tables . h’w many tables u required , mention the primary keys for all the tables.
4) What is meant by composite key ? ( this question raises based on above question)
5) Does foreign key allows null value ?
6) What is difference between primary key and Unique key ?
7) What is use of cursors ?
8) H’w many types of Indexes ? what is the use of nonclusterd Index ?
9) H’w the performance increase if u use clustred index ..?
10) Difference between storedprocedure and function ?
11) Types of joins , what is meant by cross join?
12) What is the main Difference between interface and Abstract when we have choose one over another ?
13) Y multiple heritance is not supported in Dotnet ? do u knw any language does support multiple inheritance ?
14) What is meant by runtime polymorphism ?
15) What is meant by overloading and overriding ?
16) Overloading and overriding comes under polymorphism /Inheritance ? which type of polymorphism
17) Differnce between Convert.toInt 32 and int.parse ?
18) Difference between vs 2005 and 2008 ?
19) What is the use of linq ?
20) Is it possible to sort the dataset with out using dataview ?
21) What is the uses linq over dataview ?
22) H’w many types of authentication ? which type of authentication using in ur project ?
23) What is the custom authentication ?
24) Difference between client side state and server state ? what are objects comes under client side and state side ?
25) Uses of sessions ?
26) What is use of view state ?
27) *H’w cache is implemented ? is server side or client side ? ( iam getting this question in every interview )
---- U mentioned c lang also in ur resume
Int p; int *p;
Difference between these two .. ?
For eg int p=30; int *p=30; what does it mean ?
When did u last used c – language ?
I simply told in my 1st year ,later I never touched till now ….
That’s it my interview is comlplted but still some other questions I forgot , totally at about 50 mints it takes.
Iam very thankful to Mr. Ravindra Babu who shared his interview experince with us
Please Send ur interview Experinces To My Mail Id :
For Satyam Interivew question : Click Here
For Hcl Inteview Questions : Click Here
For Mphasis Interview Questions : Click Here
Iam very thankful to Mr. Ravindra Babu who shared his interview experince with us
Please Send ur interview Experinces To My Mail Id :
For Satyam Interivew question : Click Here
For Hcl Inteview Questions : Click Here
For Mphasis Interview Questions : Click Here
Sunday, April 4, 2010
HCL Dotnet Interview Questions Part
HCL Dot net interview Question March-2010
2 + years of experince
1. What is View State
2. Can we create Master Page dynamically? If Yes ,then How?
3. What is Instance Method?
4. What is Partial class, abstract class, Intrface?
5. What is page life cycle?
6. What is WCF? What is its workflow.?
7. What is add in feature in 2.0?
Hcl Interview Questions Written Test : Click Here
Hcl Interview Questions Technical Click Here
Mphasis Dotnet Interview Questions : Click Here
Please Send ur Interview Experinces to my mail id :
2 + years of experince
1. What is View State
2. Can we create Master Page dynamically? If Yes ,then How?
3. What is Instance Method?
4. What is Partial class, abstract class, Intrface?
5. What is page life cycle?
6. What is WCF? What is its workflow.?
7. What is add in feature in 2.0?
Hcl Interview Questions Written Test : Click Here
Hcl Interview Questions Technical Click Here
Mphasis Dotnet Interview Questions : Click Here
Please Send ur Interview Experinces to my mail id :
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Accenture Sharepoint Interview Questions
Accenture Sharepoint Interview Questions
Hi friends iam getting too many mails and everybody expecting more interview questions on sharepoint, so if anybody attend the interview please share your interview experinces
Hi friends iam getting too many mails and everybody expecting more interview questions on sharepoint, so if anybody attend the interview please share your interview experinces
1) Tell me ur Roels and Responsibilites in u r Project... ?
Interviewer Mainly Concentrated on Skill Set What i mentioned in my resume
2) can u tell me what are the webparts ur developed in u r project.. ?
3) which is the best method to deploy the webpart ?
4) what are permission levels in sharepoint ...?
5) what are new features in moss2007 .... ?
6) what are basic buliding blocks for sharepoint
7) Sharepoint object model
8) where did u use event handlers in ur project ? h'w many type of evet handlers in sharepoint .?
9) what is default authentication level in sharepoint... ?
10) is it possible to implement forms authentication in sharepoint. or any custom authentication in sharepoint ...?
11) Security Levels in Sharepoint ....?
12) what is meant by SignIn ?
13) what are the webmethods u r called ( Websercies) in ur project .....?
14) what are instances that ur created in when configuring the Enterprise Search ..? ( As i Mentioned in my resume)
15) What is meant metadata cache ?
16) what are the Coding Standards u followed in u r project ?
16) what are the Coding Standards u followed in u r project ?
did u worked on any windows application ... ? no
all projects are web applications
16) how can u implement data fragement cahce , attribute varybyparam ...?
17) abt web services .... ?
Please Share u r Interview Experinces , send to my mail id :
For Logica Sharepoint Interview Questions : Click Here
Wipro Sharepoint Interview Questions : Click Here
Please Share u r Interview Experinces , send to my mail id :
For Logica Sharepoint Interview Questions : Click Here
Wipro Sharepoint Interview Questions : Click Here
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