Sunday, June 6, 2010

Prokaram Dotnet Interview Questions

Prokarma Dotnet Interivew Questions,Hyderabad

1)       1)  Tell me abt ur project .. ? Roles and Responsibilities
2)       2) What is meant  by 3-tier architecture ?
3)       3)  What is use of 3-tier architecture ? Difference between 3-tier architecture and 3layerd architeture
4)       4)  What does business logic layer and dataacess  layer cantains ?
5)      5)  Take simple form in ur project , explain how data is acess ( what r the methods u called for inserting the  values, passing the parameters from one tier to another)?
6)      6)   Difference  between Abstract classes and interface ?
7)      7)   Does the abstract classes  cantinas the implementation for methods ?
)        8)Can we create the object for abstract classes ? is it necessary  to implement all the methods of abstract   classes  in  derived  class ?
9)       9)   Can I implement multiple number of interfaces in a single class ?
         10) What is meant  by Partial Class ?
11     11)  Difference between 2.0 and 3.5 ?
1       12)  What are the new base  class methods in   .net 3.5  ?
1      13)    What is meant by Object Instance Intialization in .net 3.5 ?
1       14)   How can u handle the trouble shooting in ur project ? what is the use of  N-unit ?
      Did u use linq in ur project .. ?  
         15)   “var” data type ? and  tell me the extension methods ?
6)     16)  Can we write the code for I have List and I have the table employee with employ id, employee  name  ,I   fill the table in datasetset  ,by using “ForEach” loop collect result row collection for list ?
Did u use Ajax in ur project ..
         17)   What is meant by  Ajax  ?  use of Ajax ?
1       18)   Can I have a Multiple Update panel in a webpage ? 
1       19) In which  Scenario we use  in conditional mode in Update panel ?
2       20)  What is the use of Script Manger and Proxy Script Manger ?
What are Ajax tools u used in ur project ?
21     21)    Is it possible to invoke the modalpopup from code behind ?
2       22)  What happens when page is refresh On Modalpopup ?
2      23)   Page life cycle events ?
        24)   When the page is postback by an event handlers (like  dropdownselectedindex, tnclickevent) When this event is executed before pageload  or after pageload ?
5)     25)  What is the “Auto Event Fired”  What happened  when  it is true,false ?
2      26) What is the use of View State, if it is turned off  what happened ?
2      27)   Inprocess and out process Session memory ?
8     28)  In Which Scenario we can use Outprocess session ?
2     29)   Difference between Application variables and session variables , where we maintain application state ?
3     30)   In forms Authantication , cookie, true or false represents ?
31   31)   Difference between the cookies and sessions ?
3     32)   Types of cache ? varyby param ? timeslide expiration ?
3     33)   How can we set the time out of for  datacaching ?
3    34)   My storedprocedure returns 3 resultsset , does the datareader can handle ?
3    35)   Difference between dataset and datareader ? which is light weighted ?
3    36)   Where does  the caching the data located ?
3    37)   What is meant by Nullable type ?
3    38)   Did use Jquey,Json ?

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