Sunday, November 30, 2008

sharepoint interview Questions Intelligroups

Hi Friends
One of My Friend attend the Sharepoint Interview ,Intelligroups

Hi friends, i am getting so many mails  and everybody expecting more interview questions on sharepoint, so if anybody attended  interviews  please share your interview experince

1)how can u create a customwebparts through vs2005 ? tell me the stepwise ../
2) Tell me abt contentEditor Webpart..?
3)Tell me the Base class Methods in developing a webpart..?
4) What is the use of create child controls()..?

5)How can we configure the Enterprise search ? tell me the steps..?
6)Did u use any Webusrcontrls in ur project..? can u tell me the differences between Webparts and webuserconrols...?
7)What is the use of " Using" clause...?
8) write the coding for creating a customlist say order list , that list should be populate with orders table ..?
10) difference between SPSite , SPWeb..?
11) h'w can u create the Custom fields ..?
12)wat is the use of BDC..? DID u write any BDC code in ur project ../
13)wat r the features..? did u create any features in ur project...? wat r the feature classes that u used
14) can u tell me the steps to deploy the SPSite to production through the Sharepoint Solution ?
15) is it possible to set the permissions levels on list and libraires by using sp object model...?
16) Define content types...?
17) what r the work flows that u r created in ur project...?
Canu tell me the steps to create the work flows throguh Sharepoint desingers..?
18)can u tel me abt the event Handlers..?
19)what is meant by "RunwithElevatedPrivillages..?
20)Can u tell me h'w to install a feature(command) ..?

Sharepoint interview questions

Sharepoint interview Questions Pennywise solutions

what is masterpage ? use of materpage..?

2) what is meant by sitetemplate ? how can u create a site template?

3) Wat is meant by work flow ? how can u create a workflow on lists and libraries

4) Wat is meant by webpart ? how can u deploy the webpart ? h'w many ways we deploy the webpart

5)did u use any contenteditor webpart in ur project..?

6)Wat is meant by features, uses of features ? did u create any features in ur project..?

7) did u create any event handlers ? on which events u rised those event handlers...?

8) Wat is sharepoint solution file..?

9) did u write any BDC in ur project..?

10) did u configure enterprise search crawl settings ? how ?

11)what is sharepoint object model ..?

12) diff betwen intranetsite extranet site and internet sites

13) h'w can u create a cutsomtemplates..?

14)what is the use of infopath forms...? did u use any datasource in infopath forms..?

15) what is meant by Farm ?
16) Wat is SPweb , spsite, sitecollection..?
17) Wat is meant by SSP..?
18) what is sitedefinition ? how can we deploy..?
19) can we customise default webparts.....? h'w ..?

Some other Questions i gather

What is the typical development environment for share point?

2) How do you move code from Development t production? Is any custom tool


3) How do you connect external data from MS SQL or SAP to sharepoint?

4) Say about the architecture of sharepoint?

5) Some questions from content management such us how wil u design policy

pages and about your past projects?

6) How will you integrate an existing ASP.Net application or Java

application with sharepoint?

7) Say about document collaboration and workflows in sharepoint?

1) Say about Event Handlers in Sharepoint?

2) How will u deploy a webpart in sharepoint?

3) Wat is an infopath form and how to connect to external data sources from


4) HOw will you change the layout of a site?Is there any tool to achive it?

5) How will access the Sharepoint Object Model?

6) How will import data from external Data source to Sharepoint thru BDC?

7) How will back up restore sites?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sharepoint Interview Questions

Hi Friends
One of my frined attend the Sharepoint interview
It's one of the CMM Level5 Company in bangalore

1. how to deploy ur project?
2.hav u used schemas?
3.wht r generics in c#? 2 configure enterprise search? 2 implement site defination?
6.I hav spome News published at top level site ,and i want 2 hav
tht new in all 100 subsites,how 2 implement this through Features?
7.wht is Content mgmt,doc.Mgmt?
8.wht r Expiration policies ,how 2 set?
9.wht r the different ways of Backup&Restore? 2 display the items in a List irrespective of the Folders?
11.why do u use CAML Query?
12.hav u ever worked on Workflows?hav u used in ur project?which
workflows u hav used?how did u implemented?
14)How to configure Enterprise search through Object Model?
15).Wht is"Run Code with Elevated Privilages"?
16.Why u use "Allow Unsafe Updates=True"?