Sunday, October 28, 2012

Syntel Dotnet Interview Questions

Hi friends one of my friend Aryan shared below Dotnet interview question which he recently faced at  Syntel walk-in, Mumbai for 3 years of experience.

First round  techincal

  1. What is  unity container in MVC
  2. WCF Architecture 
  3. Explain Razor View engine
  4. What different Types of Contracts in WCF and why it necessary to use Contracts
  5. Explain Serialization in WCF
  6. Which is fast DataContract or XML  Serialization
  7. What is opt in seralization
  8. write down the wcf service for customizing  SOAP Header
  9. What is group hierarchical Join in LINQ
  10. What is difference between Iquerable and IEnumerable  
  11. Featurs of ORACS framework
Second round technical

  1. Explain Transaction in WCF  or write the service including transaction
  2. Can we used transaction in basic http binding or in webservice
  3. Write the WSDL Documents for particular service (He given one simple service right now i don't remember)
  4. Types of Hosting in WCF?
  5. Give the practical example of Self Hosting in WCF  how u host the service WAS 
  6. Different layeres in WCF
  7. Why organization using wdfederation2007http binding

Hi friends if any of you attended interviews recently ,please send your interview experiences to my mail id :

Deloitte Dotnet Interview Questions

Hi friends one of my friend Aryan  shared  below Dotnet interview question which he recently faced at Deloitte, Mumbai for 3 years of experience.

A. Scenario

  • We have one application which is hosted on 4 different server if suppose the one web server is down that time what will going to be happen for the user who is going to do transaction on that particular web server.Answer related to NBL and webfarms.
  • On IIS 7.5 , two web application hosted and both using the same application pool if suppose the one web app down for maintenance can it ll affect the another web application.

B.  General Programming

  1. Difference between HTML Control and Server Control
  2. Can you write down the Stack program in CSharp
  3. Can you write down the binary search algorithm
  4. Suppose int a=10; string b="xyz"; a=b will it compile the answer is no then the nxt q int a=10; string b="150"; a=Convert.toInt32(b); response.write(a); will it compile and if compile then what is output
  5. What is meaning of assembly
  6. how to make the assembly public write the strongly type commands
  7. if suppose i have class called testclass, e.g private class TestClass{} i compiled and make the dll of that particular calss and placed it in GAC folder so it will become public assembly can i used in my any other project but the class is private
  8. Difference between hashtable and arraylist
  9. What are Generics ? 


  1. What is equijoin
  2. In SSRS, explain the grouping concept
  3. Suppose i have one table called Test1 having 2 rows and 2 coloumn


ID   Name
1     A
2     B


ID   Salary
1    10
2    20
3    30 
4    40

  , a.salary
         Test2  as a
          right join 
          Test1 as b

4. Write the syntax of trigger?
5. Level of Nested Trigger?

Hi friends if any of you attended interviews recently ,please send your interview experiences  to my mail id  :


Sunday, June 3, 2012

L&T Info tech Dotnet interview questions

LnT InfoTech Mumbai

First round Technical interview questions

1,.  C# 3.5 features
2. Use of delegates?
3. State management concepts in
4. Difference control state and view state?
5. Page life cycle events, in which state post back event handling will occur?
6.  In which event you can change the content of the page?
7. What is GAC?
8. What is CTS?
9. I have two assemblies with same name but different versions, how i can choose the assemblies based on versions?
10. What is difference between stored procedure and function?
11. Can function return @table valued parameter?
12. Difference between temp table and global temp table and @table valued parameter?
13. Types of logs in sql server?
14. Use of Instead of trigger?
15. Nested transactions in sqlserver?
16. How do you call the garbage collector explicitly?


Second round Technical interview
1. Tell me the steps to deploy the WCF service on IIS server?
2. Use of HTTP of modules in
3   what is pipe line?
4. What is application pool, and its responsibilities?

5. What happen exactly when you compiling and executing the code in VS internally?
6 what is csc.exe and what it does?
7. What is the meaning for mutable and immutable?


8.  I have a webform1 and one user control which contains a button control, when I click on the button text entered in the text box should display in the label? Tell me in step wise

Side questions:
How to call the user controls, difference between user controls and custom controls

9.    I have a class A, B, and C
Public class A {}
Public  class B                                                     public   class C  
{Method1  m=new method1();}                                {Method2  m=new method2();}               

Side question 1: What happens in below scenario? Does it accepts
Pulic class D
Public void method3  (object  A)
Side question 2:  I want to use the methods method1 and method2 through class A in Metho3?
10.  What are generics in C#?

11. What is the use “nolock  “ key word ?
12. Isolation levels?
13.                          Tab1                                                                      Tab2


                What is the o/p for below query?
Side question 1: Select * from tab1, tab2 where t1.ID=t2.ID
Side questions 2: I want the o/p in below format, in how many ways you can achieve
O/P :    use the two tables tab1  and tab2    

14.  General question, I have a 9 gold bisects among that one is an odd weight, find out the odd one   in three steps?

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Igate Patni Dotnet Interview questions

Igate Patni 3+ Dot net interview questions
1.             Difference between frame work 2.0 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0? Currently which frame work ur using ?
2.       Use of LINQ ?
Any experience on wcf ?
3.       Difference between message contract and data contract?
4.       How many ways your handling the exceptions in service? for eg:  how your handling exceptions  if  your service is returning null values, passing string values instead of int variable..
5.       What happens if your services are responding slowly or sometimes you may receive the service unavailable how you handle this situation?
6.       Can I able to access the methods which are not specified as Data Contract?
7.       What is difference between view state and control state?
8.       I have webform1 and webform2 , I want to access all the values of  webpage 1 controls in  webpage2( Without  using session) ? I said:  if we use server .transfer ()we can access  all previous page controls values in current page.

Side question: how and where these values are stored? I said:  values stored in view state?
How these values(webform1 and webform2 ) stored in view state?

9.       Can I use multiple web.config file in single project and my project does not contains any subfolders?
10.   You developed two web forms and how you can say that your code following coding standards?
11.   Use of static classes? What is the use of constructors?
12.   What is the use of Interface and abstract classes? Without these concepts also we can write the code, but still why we are using interface and abstract class what is the necessity?
13.   What is partial post back and asynchronous request?
14.   Write a sample code for print the name “Subhash” as “hsahbus” without using reverse function?
15.   Difference between array list and array?
16.   What is meant by denormalization?
17.   What is meant by reflection, showding?
18.   Give a scenario where we use custom validation?
19.   I have a label inside update panel and a button outside UP, in button click event I ‘m assign the value to the label, does it reflect? (yes/No) with reason?
20.   What are extension methods?
21.   Difference between html and xml? What is the necessity of using xml ?
22.   I have a method, how many different ways can you call that method asynchronously?
23.   What is serialization and deserialzation?
24. What are http modules?  can you tell  what are the http modules that we are using in daily routine?