CTS Dotnet Interview Questions
1. Ca n you explain the page life cycle event in asp.net?
2. How can I apply the themes and skin to WebPages..?
3. What is the Auto Event wired property?
4. Is web.config file is mandatory to run the web application?
No, but it is always better to choose the Web.config file
5. What are the features of config file you have used?
6. How I can use web.config file for error handling?
7. Take the scenario where I’m not using web.config file in my application, is there any other place where I can write the connection string?
8. I want to display the some data from two different data sources ,say sql server,ms access ; can you tell me the steps to display data on webform ?
9. I want to display a data in gridview (Paging also)? Which one is the good either data set or data reader?
10. Difference between data reader and data set? What is meant by forward cursor only?
11. How to use update panel?
12. What is the use of script manager? I have master page and content page in which page I need to use script manager?
13. You have any experience in wcf? What is SOA?
14. What are the static classes?
15. Can static classes contain non static members?
16. Method overloading and method overriding where you implemented in your project?
Sql Server
17. What is the composite key?
18. Did you face any performance issues in your application? Let us say a web page loading very slow ly? How you speed up the webpage
19. How you will the optimize the query? What are the steps you will take?
20. Date Diff function?
21. What is the use of cursors?
22. Table 1 : empid(pk), empname ,deptid(fk)
Table2: deptid(pk) ,deptname
Count of employees in each department?
Please Send your Interview Experiences To Mail id: nsubhash007@gmail.com
Please Send your Interview Experiences To Mail id: nsubhash007@gmail.com