Accenture 2+ dot net interview questions,Bangalore
1.Tell about your Current project? How the security is implemented ,
which architecture does you used ?
2. What are the various technologies you used in
current and in previous projects
I said:
VS2005,VS2008, Sql server 2000,2005,java script ,Ajax, j queries, WCF.
3. What is the difference between abstract class and
interface? Where we use abstract class and interface?
4. I want a method which it should return a string
variable, Boolean variable and integer variables, how do you implement that
Eg: I'm passing date time to method that method
should return date , hrs,minutes and it should check date should not less than
today's date and return as boolean.
I said yes we can implement such a methods, by using
key word “out “.
public string getdatetime(string frmDatetime, string out date,int out hrs,int out
mints,Boolean Isvalid)
5. Can we use “out”
for the methods of type void? Does it give any compilation or run time error?
I said: yes we can use for methods of type void
also. I does not give any type of errors.
6. What are sealed classes and static classes?
7. What is boxing and unboxing?
8. Why do I'm get an error while try to declare the
public static staticMethod (mainStatic obj)
I said: yes it will give compilation error without
specifying return type.
static void staticMethod (mainStatic obj)
9.Let's consider a scenario, I have a Text box when
user enter a number in text box, I need
to display the employee's details based on empid; if user enters a
string value I need to display based on emp name.
10. Does C# supports the properties for array types?
I said : yes ,it supports
for eg:
class Class1
string[] MyAssesrts;
string[] SubhashProperties
get {
return MyAssesrts; }
set {
MyAssesrts = value; }
class MainClass
static int Main(string[] args)
c = new Class1();
string[] arr = new string[] {"car", "villa",”land”};
SubhashProperties = arr;
Console.WriteLine(c.SubhashProperties [0]);
12. You worked on jquries right? What are the
various features it overcomes from JavaScript and Ajax?
13. How to find the text box of id txtname in
14. What is SOA? Difference between web services and
15. How do you deploy the web services and WCF in
production server?
16. What are the page life cycle events?
17. In Page load () Does it possible to identify ,
by which control or event causes post back
I said: up to my knowledge
No, we cannot identify, in page load all the controls and events will be
I'm not sure whether it
is a right answer or not?
17. What are http handlers? Where we use?
18. I need to insert the data of uploaded excel file
to sqlserver, In how many ways we insert?
I said:
First we need to open the oledb connection, query
the excel sheet and get excel data to data table or dataset.
A. we can
loop each row form a insert query a string and Executenonquery ().
B.loop each row collect the data in array lists
after looping the all records we can pass the array values to stored procedure.
C. We can use sql bulk upload utility class, where
we insert all the data at a time from data table to backend DB.
19. So, among these which one is the best you feel?
I Said: obviously, third one gives the better
20. How do you validate the data before inserting
the data through sql bulk upload?
21. I’m uploading a large amount of data, my excel
sheet contains @ 60000 to one lakh records,
22. What happens if I got any connection time out
error or some other error occurs, how do you handles this error.
I said: I faced this situation in my project, first
of all we should not allow to the uploading large amount of data we should
consider the file size before user uploading, better to allow uploading the
small chunks of data , we should also consider production server configuration,
21. How do you handle errors in stored procedures?
I Said: In sql server 2005 and 2008 have a better
error handling capable when compare to sqlserver2000, we can use try catch
blocks in stored procedures.
And also we can use @@Error which is a global variable;
I explained about error_message (), error_seveority,
error_description ().error_id()
22. Why we need to specify NoLock? Do we use Nolock
while performing the DML operations, what happened if use?
I said: Nolock should specify after the table name while performing the
select statement, by default while executing the select statement
sqlserver lock the table, for eg my
query takes 6 sec to execute these 6 sec sq server will not allow to perform
the any other DML Operations on that table
i don't know whether this is a right or not....
i don't know whether this is a right or not....
Project Manager Round
How much years of experience do you have?
Where you’re working, from how many years your
working with present company?
What are projects you handled, what is the project
you feel this is very tough project?
What you feel
that much of toughness in this project?
Did you interact with the client at any time?
How Do you get the domain knowledge?
Thanks Pratik Agrawal ! for Sharing your interview Experince
Please Send your dotnet interview experinces to my mail id:
Thanks Pratik Agrawal ! for Sharing your interview Experince
Please Send your dotnet interview experinces to my mail id: