Sunday, April 11, 2010

Dot Interview Questions Cmm level 3 company

Top Mncs  Dotnet Interview Questions
 One of my friend  RavindraBabu  send these Interview Question s , Cmm level3  company  in Bangalore    On 2+  years of experience  ,  April 10th 2010
1)      Tell me About Your Project , Roles and Responsibiltes,  Can u briefly gave the diagramtic representation abt ur project , just outline of ur project
2)      U mentioned creating  dbobjects  in ur resume,
How can u create the tables for this scenario( how many table s required )  for eg take realestate business,  one user may have multiple no .of  flats , when I gave the user name as i/p  I want to get the all the flat names which are assigned to that user..?
3)      Simalry to the above task ,  one  leacturer teaches  multiple no.of subjects  and one subject can teach by  multiple no.of  lectures h’w can u  create the tables . h’w many tables u required ,  mention the primary keys for all the tables.
4)      What is meant by composite key ? ( this question raises based on above question)
5)      Does foreign key allows null value ?
6)      What is difference between primary key and Unique key ?
7)      What is use of cursors ?
8)      H’w many types of Indexes ? what is the use of nonclusterd Index ?
9)      H’w the  performance increase  if u  use clustred index ..?
10)   Difference between  storedprocedure  and function ?
11)   Types of joins , what is meant by cross join?
12)    What is the main Difference between interface  and Abstract when we have choose one  over another ?
13)   Y multiple heritance is not supported in  Dotnet  ? do u knw any language does support multiple inheritance ?
14)   What is meant by runtime polymorphism ?
15)   What is meant by  overloading and overriding ?
16)   Overloading and overriding  comes under   polymorphism /Inheritance ? which type of polymorphism
17)   Differnce between  Convert.toInt 32 and int.parse ?
18)   Difference between vs 2005 and 2008 ?
19)   What is the use of linq ?
20)   Is it possible to sort the dataset with out using dataview ?
21)   What is the uses  linq  over dataview ?
22)   H’w many types of authentication ? which  type  of authentication using in ur project ?
23)   What is the custom authentication ?
24)   Difference between client side state and server state ?  what are objects comes under client side and state side ?
25)   Uses of sessions  ?
26)   What is use of view state ?
27)   *H’w cache is implemented ? is server side or client side ?  ( iam getting this question in every interview )
---- U mentioned c  lang  also in ur resume 
Int p; int *p;
Difference between these two .. ?
For eg int p=30; int *p=30; what does it mean  ?
When did u last used  c – language  ?
I simply told in my 1st  year ,later I never touched till now ….
 That’s it  my interview is comlplted but still some other questions I forgot , totally at about  50 mints it takes.

Iam very thankful to  Mr. Ravindra Babu who shared  his interview experince with us 
Please Send  ur interview  Experinces  To My Mail Id :

For Satyam Interivew question : Click Here
For Hcl Inteview Questions  : Click Here 
For Mphasis  Interview Questions : Click Here

Sunday, April 4, 2010

HCL Dotnet Interview Questions Part

HCL Dot net interview Question  March-2010
2 +  years of experince

1. What is View State
2. Can we create Master Page dynamically? If Yes ,then How?
3. What is Instance Method?
4. What is Partial class, abstract class, Intrface?
5. What is page life cycle?
6. What is WCF? What is its workflow.?
7. What is add in feature in 2.0?

Hcl Interview  Questions Written Test : Click Here
Hcl Interview  Questions Technical Click Here
Mphasis Dotnet Interview Questions : Click Here

Please Send ur Interview Experinces to my mail id :